Zoning Board of Adjustment - 6/2/2020

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6/2/2020 6:55:00 PM
Town of Salem, New Hampshire Community Development Department Planning Division 33 Geremonty Drive, Salem, New Hampshire 03079 (603) 890-2080 - Fax (603) 898-1223 e-mail: rmoldoff@salemnh.gov ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA FOR JUNE 2, 2020 - 7:00pm Knightly Meeting Room, Salem Town Hall* *Town Hall is currently closed to public access due to the coronavirus pandemic. Please watch the meetings on www.sgc23.com or local cable station 23. Public comments will be accepted through emails (rmoldoff@salemnh.gov) before the meeting or telephone calls during the meeting (603-685-6451). Upcoming meetings will use remote conferencing tools. If you don’t have access to cable or internet, please contact the Planning Division at 603-890-2080 at least 24 hours in advance and we can provide accommodations for you to listen to the meeting. ROLL CALL: Bonnie Wright, Chair____ Michael Smith, ____ Olga Guza, Alt. ___ Bernard Campbell, Vice-Chair____ Claire Karibian, ____ Thomas Raskow, Alt. George D. Perry, Secretary____ Kellie Annicelli, Alt., ____ David Bruce, Alt.,___ REVIEW OF MINUTES 1. May 5, 2020 – Regular Meeting PUBLIC HEARINGS Petition #01-2020-00014 Map 79, Lots 4527 & 4525 36 BROOKDALE RD & 4 LAKE SHORE RD Thomas Daigle II, Mary Moir & Paul Redman hereby requests a VARIANCE from Article III, Section 490301C(1), and asks that said terms of the Zoning Ordinance be waived to permit a subdivision to create a lot with 133.91 ft. of frontage, where 150 ft. is required in the Residential District. Petition #02-2020-00015 Map 57, Lot 2601 25 MILLVILLE CIRCLE James F. & Lisa M. Sama hereby request a VARIANCE from Article III, Section 490-303C (1), and Article VIII, Section 804, and ask that said terms of the Zoning Ordinance be waived to permit the conversion of an existing seasonal dwelling to year round occupancy on a lot with a lot size of 3,287 sq. ft., frontage of 45 ft., front setback of 22 ft., left side setback of 3 ft. to a deck and 6 ft. to the building, right side setback of 12 ft. to building and 0 ft. to deck and setback of 18 ft. to the high water mark of Millville Lake, where lot size of 35,500 sq. ft. by soils, frontage of 150 ft., front setback of 30 ft., side setback of 15 ft. and setback of 50 ft. to the high water mark is required in the Residential District. Petition #03-2020-00016 Map 70, Lot 4455 35 LAKE SHORE ROAD John & Patricia Kennedy hereby request a VARIANCE from Article III, Section 490 301C (1), and ask that said terms of the Zoning Ordinance be waived to permit a single story addition to the existing single family dwelling to be constructed to within 5 ft. of the Northerly side lot line, where a minimum 15 ft. side setback is required in the Residential District. Petition #04-2020-00017 Map 108, Lot 730 135 SOUTH BROADWAY PMG Northeast LLC hereby requests a VARIANCE from Article V, Section 490-501C (1)(a), and asks that said terms of the Zoning Ordinance be waived to permit construction of a canopy structure located 22.57 ft. to the front lot line, where 30 ft. is required, and to permit construction of a replacement gas station and convenience store with lot coverage of 77.82% impervious surface, where maximum 70% lot coverage is allowed in the CommercialIndustrial C District. 2 Petition #05-2020-00018 Map 107, Lot 12576 4-6 MALL ROAD Faial Donuts, Inc. hereby requests a VARIANCE from Article VII, Section 490-702E (1) and asks that said terms of the Zoning Ordinance be waived to construct an electronic changeable copy menu board sign in a drive-thru lane, where electronic changeable copy signs are prohibited in the Commercial-Industrial C. District. ZONING BOARD MATTERS 1. Correspondence 2. Other Note: No new agenda items will be heard after 10:30 PM. If necessary, the Board will recess to another date to take up the remainder of the agenda.

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