Zoning Board of Adjustment 05/03/22

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5/3/2022 6:55:00 PM


Roll Call 00:00:00

Review of Minutes 00:00:48

Petition #01 23 Kim Road 00:02:11

Jenifer Maloney hereby requests a VARIANCE from Article III, Section 490-301C (1), and asks that said terms of the Zoning Ordinance be waived to permit a garage addition to be 12.96 ft. from the right side lot line, where a minimum of 15 ft. is required in the Residential District. Pass 5/0

Petition #02 23 Emileo Lane Extension 00:09:46

Matuszewski Revocable Trust hereby requests a Variance from Article III, Sections 490-302C (1) & 490-303C (1), and asks that said terms of the Zoning Ordinance be waived to permit the construction of a new dwelling on a lot having 31,069 sq. ft., where 87,120 sq. ft. is required in the Rural District, 66,000 sq. ft. by soils is required in the Recreational District, and having 81.35 ft. at the building line, where 100 ft. is required in the Recreational District on a lot with no frontage on a Town accepted road, where 150 ft. is required in the Rural District. Pass 5/0

Petition #03 5 Hampshire Street 00:48:37

A & A Motors LLC hereby requests a VARIANCE from Article V, Section 490-501C(4)(b), and asks that said terms of the Zoning Ordinance be waived to permit a bonded used car dealership within 10 ft. from another used car dealership, where a minimum of 2000 ft. between dealerships is required in the Commercial-Industrial C District. Pass 5/0

Intermission 01:20:14

Petition #04 280 Lawrence Road 01:21:54

SLDH, LLC hereby requests a VARIANCE from Article III, Section 490-301C (1), and asks that said terms of the Zoning Ordinance be waived to permit a lot line adjustment subdivision with adjoining parcel, which reduces the size of a 34,001 sq. ft. prior non-conforming lot by 2,235 sq. ft. with a resulting lot of 31,748 sq. ft., where 37,000 sq. ft. (by soils) is required in the Residential District. Pass 5/0

Petition #05 9 Hampshire Street 01:31:05

Willows Park, Inc. hereby requests a VARIANCE from Article III, Section 490-301B, and asks that said terms of the Zoning Ordinance be waived to permit construction of five (5) single-family detached rental units, a nonpermitted use in the Residential District. Pass 5/0

Intermission 02:34:25

Petition #06 10 Pleasant Street 02:43:09

Cedar Crest Development, LLC hereby requests a VARIANCE from Article III, Sections 490-301B & 301C (1), and asks that said terms of the Zoning Ordinance be waived to permit construction of an 8-unit residential building on a 23, 014 sq. ft. lot with 123 ft. of frontage, with building height of 45 ft. and 4-stories, with front setback of 18.7 ft. and left side setback of 5.8 ft. and 12.3 ft., where multi-family buildings are not permitted, minimum lot size of 37,500 sq. ft. (for duplex), frontage of 430 ft., 30 ft front setback, 15 ft. side setback, and maximum 35 ft. building height or 2-1/2 stories are required in the Residential District. Pass 5/0

Adjourn 03:42:57

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