Town Council

Show Details

9/25/2023 12:00:00 AM


Call to Order 00:00:00

Pledge of Allegiance 00:00:08

Meeting Minutes 00:01:20

(The Council will review and vote on the approval of meeting minutes.)

Chairman Comments 00:02:21

Approve Consent Agenda 00:05:10

(The consent agenda is a list of documents signed by the Council as required.The Council approves the consent agenda at each Council meeting.)

Additions and/or Requests by Public or Council by Vote 00:05:29

Discussion on Resident Request to Lower Speed Limit on Meisner Road 00:16:45

(The Council will discuss a request from a resident of Meisner Road to lower the speed limit from 30 MPH to 25 MPH)

Municipal Services Department – Accept Donations for Audio and Electrical Upgrades at the Town Common: 00:33:11

a. $3,500.00 from Salem Lions Club b. $3,000.00 from American Legion Post 63, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 63, and AmVets Post 2 (The Town received two donations from the Salem Lions Club to assist with the audio and electrical upgrades to the Town Common including the Gazebo. The Council needs to accept donations as part of a public meeting.)

Police Department and Fire Departments – Accept Donations 00:37:29

a. Police Department • $100.00 in Gift Cards to Dunkin Donuts from James & Claudia Mottram • $100.00 in Gift Cards to Aroma Joe’s from James & Claudia Mottram • $100.00 in Gift Cards to Aroma Joe’s from Andreea Ocraim • $50.00 in Gift Cards to Main Street Bagel & Deli from Steve & Kathy Marullo • $150.00 in Gift Cards to Ralphie’s Café Italiano from Duncan & Cynthia Bird • $750.00 from Salem Lions Club for Salem Police Youth Program • $500.00 from Salem Lions Club for National Night Out (The Police Department received donations of gift cards from several residents. The Police Department also received donations from the Salem Lions Club for the Police Youth Program and National Night Out. The Council needs to accept donations as part of a public meeting.) b. Fire Department • $50.00 Gift Card to Hawksie’s Ice Cream from Anonymous Donor • $200.00 Visa Gift Card from Steve and Nina Goulet • $30.00 Gift Card to Romano’s Pizza from Cartier Family (The Fire Department received donations of gift cards from several residents. The Council needs to accept donations as part of a public meeting.)

Municipal Services Department - Public Hearing – Proposed Amendment and Adoption of Salem Municipal Code Chapter 417 – Stormwater Management Regulations 00:41:32

(This is a requisite public hearing for the Council to adopt and make amendments to Salem Municipal Code Chapter 417 relating to Stormwater Management Regulations. The proposed amended code is available on the Town’s website under the news and calendar page of the website.)

Finance Department – Discussion and Selection of Financial Audit Firm 01:03:54

(Each year the Town is audited by a certified public accountant. The newly adopted charter (Article 4.10.2) states the Council will select an auditor to review the Town’s financials. The Council will review the proposals and select a firm for this purpose.)

Department Updates: Community Services Department 01:06:23

(Katie Duffey, Community Services Director, will provide an update of the Community Services Department.)

Municipal Services Department – Authorize Town Manager as Representative for Designation of Authorities for $100,000.00 Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund for Sewer I & I Program 01:31:46

(At the 2023 Town Meeting, voters approved an appropriation of $100,000.00 for sewer Infiltration and Inflow as part of the EPA/DES MS4 Permit requirements. The approval was contingent upon the Town successfully receiving a Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund with a $100,000.00 principal forgiveness on the loan. The application was approved, and the Council needs to authorize the Town Manager to sign the documents to effectuate the final agreement.)

Municipal Services Department - Municipal Building Advisory Committee (MBAC) Update 01:33:57

(Municipal Services Director Roy Sorenson will provide an update to the Council on the Municipal Building Advisory Committee with the main focus on the Town Hall, District Court, and Police Station.)

Municipal Services Department – Pavement Condition Index (PCI) Update 01:45:03

Municipal Services Director Roy Sorenson will provide an update to the Council on the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) as it relates to the 183 miles of roads in Town.)

Municipal Services Department – Road Committee Update 02:10:07

(Municipal Services Director Roy Sorenson will provide an update to the Council on the status of the Road Program.)

Town Manager’s Report/Questions from Town Council 02:32:57

Upcoming Meetings 02:37:07

• October 2, 2023 (Regular Meeting – 7:00 p.m.) • October 11, 2023 (Budget Reviews – 6:30 p.m.) • October 12, 2023 (Budget Review – 6:30 p.m. • October 16, 2023 (Budget Votes/Regular Meeting – 6:30 p.m.

Adjourn 02:38:51

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