Zoning Board of Adjustment

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9/3/2024 6:55:00 PM


Call to Order 00:00:01

Petition #01 - 44 Brady Avenue 00:01:30

DANNY & JOAN DANCER hereby requests a VARIANCE from Article VIII, Section 490-801B (4) and asks that said terms of the Zoning Ordinance be waived to permit a two-bedroom accessory apartment in an existing attached barn to have an area of 1,350 s.f. where 950 s.f. is allowed in the Rural District. Approved with 2 Stipulations 5/0

Petition #02 - 92 Lowell Road 00:23:28

YOUNG LAND HOLDINGS, LLC hereby requests a VARIANCE from Article III, Section 490-302B (1) & 490302C (1) and asks that said terms of the Zoning Ordinance be waived to permit the construction of a 5,250 s.f. commercial building (to be used as a contractor bay for paving equipment) on a lot having 125 feet of frontage and an area of 55,467 s.f. where 150 feet of frontage and 2 acres is required, and commercial use is not permitted in the Rural District. Approved with Stipulations 5/0

Petition #03 - 12 Woodbury Street 00:36:54

BADURAK FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST JOHN BADURAK & MARY ANGERS BADURAK, TRUSTEES hereby requests a VARIANCE from Article III, Section 490-301(C)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance be waived to permit a proposed carport overhang to be installed 5.0 feet from the right-side setback where a 15-foot side setback is required in the Residential District. Granted with Stipulations 5/0

Petition #04 - 33 Theresa Avenue 00:49:22

SALEM MANUFACTURED HOMES, LLC hereby requests a VARIANCE from Article III, Section 490-301 (C) (1) of the Zoning Ordinance to permit construction of a single family home on a lot (to be created by lot consolidation) having 24,000 square feet and frontage of 120 feet, where 58,000 lot size (by soils) and 150 feet of frontage is required in the Residential District. Grant with Stipulations 5/0

Petition #05 - 2 Kimball Street 01:05:55

AARON GASKELL hereby requests an EQUITABLE WAIVER OF DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS under the provisions of RSA: 674:33-a, from Article III, Section 490-302C (1) to allow the following: existing bulkhead to remain 8.9' from the northern side setback where 15 feet is required in the Residential District. Approved with Stipulations 5/0

Petition #06 - 380 Main Street (Building 1) 01:17:05

MAIN STREET 380, LLC hereby requests a VARIANCE from Article IV, and VIII, Section 490-401(B), 401(C) 1, and 490-817, and asks that said terms of the Zoning Ordinance be waived to permit “to convert and expand the existing building at 380 Main Street into 32 apartments (age restricted) at a height of 37 feet with no workforce housing units, where multifamily residential is a non-permitted use and a height of 35 feet is allowed in the BO-II District and at least 10% of units in new multi-family housing projects exceeding the underlying density shall be dedicated as affordable to moderate income households and residential density in BO-II District is 37,500 square feet for a duplex.” Approved with stipulations for density and use. Not Accepted for Workforce Housing 5/0

Break 02:24:49

Petition #07 - 382 Main Street (Building 2) 02:52:36

MAIN STREET 380, LLC hereby requests a VARIANCE from Articles III, IV and VIII, Sections 490-302(A) and (B), 490-401B, 401C(1) and 490-817 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit “to raze and replace the existing building at 382 Main Street (Bldg 2) with 8 unit apartment building (age restricted) with no workforce housing units where multifamily residential is a non-permitted use in the BO-II/RUR Districts and at least 10% of units in new multifamily housing projects exceeding the underlying density shall be dedicated as affordable to moderate income households and residential density is 37,500 for a duplex in the BO-II district and residential density of one unit per 87,120 sq. ft. or one duplex per 174,240 sq. ft. with sewer is allowed in the Rural District.” Grant density and use with stipulations 5/0.

Adjourn 03:05:07

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